Teams Concept

One of the things that I think held many progressive candidates back was the lack of support teams. Let's face it, we can't all be star players. I for one prefer to be in the background. I prefer to help candidates with digital media. This means websites, social media, video, still photography, etc. What are your skills? What can you offer? This last election I found out that I can help more than one candidate. This whole thing was so new to me, I was afraid to offer help to more than just one person. So you may be the graphic design person on several candidate teams. 

Although I am here to help candidates with teams, I don't have to be. I just want to push the concept because I think it would make us stronger. 

So for example:

Ogalthorpe Puedam is running for Senator of Washington state.

Kaylee Frye is his campaign manager because she is a retired Rock manager

Zoe Walsh is in charge of yard signs because she runs a print shop business

Derrial Book can edit video because he used to work at a news channel

Adelai Niska is in charge of social networking because he has social anxiety and doesn't get out much

I believe that everyone has a skill. Even if you don't know you have a skill, you do! We just need to find those people. A good campaign manager should be able to manage the team. If you have a skill, let me know. I will try to match you up with a candidate. Time is short people. We have one year to put this together if we want to swing both the House and the Senate back to the left. Let's go, LET'S GO, LET'S GO